Sell a Car Online Peabody MA

Sell a Car Online Peabody MA

Are you ready to get some cash for a vehicle that you no longer need? Well, with AcceleRide®, selling your car will be easier than you’ve ever imagined. Please read on to learn more about how you can sell a car online near Peabody, Massachusetts, with the help of AcceleRide®!

Sell a Car Online

It’s As Easy as A, B, C

Seriously—in three quick steps, you can sell your car and obtain the compensation you’ve been seeking for it.

Whether you no longer need your spare vehicle now that the kids have left home, you’re moving into the big city and will rely on public transportation, or you have another reason entirely for selling your vehicle, working with AcceleRide® is the quickest and easiest way to move on from your current car.

The first thing you will want to do, as you look to sell your current vehicle, is to head to our website. Here, you will want to choose the page titled Sell a Ride. From there, you will be taken to our selling platform, where you can follow the simple steps outlined below:

Step One: Provide Us With Information

Once you are on our selling platform, we’ll need to collect some information about your vehicle—namely, the license plate number and the VIN. We’ll pair this information with other details about your car, and then our system will process everything to come up with an appraisal figure for you.

Step Two: Get an Offer

Once our system completes its appraisal, it will provide you with an offer for your vehicle. Usually, we can get this offer to you in as little as five minutes. It will be valid for seven days or 250 miles from the point at which you initially requested the appraisal, so you’ll have time to carefully consider the offer.

Step Three: Get Paid!

If you decide that our offer is what you were expecting, all you have to do is accept it. Then, we’ll pay you in minutes via Zelle or you can pick up a check at your local dealership.

Just like that, your car will be sold!

AcceleRide® FAQs

AcceleRide® FAQs

It’s natural to have questions about this new, streamlined way to sell a car online. That’s why we’ve taken the liberty of answering some of them for you below!

Can I resubmit my vehicle, if my offer expires? Yes! You will just need to update the odometer information and other info on the vehicle’s condition, if any of this has changed.

Can I get an offer on a leased vehicle? Yes, you can get an offer on a leased vehicle.

Do I have to be the registered owner in order to submit a vehicle for an offer? Yes, you must be the registered vehicle owner or an authorized agent of the vehicle.

Sell Your Car Online near Peabody MA Today

Do you have other questions about how you can sell your car online near Peabody, MA? Contact our team here at AcceleRide® and we’ll be happy to help! We look forward to working with you!